Experience physical and spiritual realignment with Mahi Wheua. This powerful tool helps to realign through working your bone structure. The muscles naturally fall into place allowing the blood to flow and circulate easily.
Balancing the energy of your wairua (spirit), and reconnecting your mauri (life force) fully back in. Improving your overall well-being, anchoring and grounding you.
Working on your bone structure brings everything back into alignment while also releasing on the cellular memory. Separating muscle from the bone allows blood and wairua to circulate freely.
Treatments can be purchased now and used at anytime!LayBuy is available online only.
To book:
Visit: 3 Kensington Place, Fairfield
Phone: href="tel:021%202069%20861" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-href="tel:021 2069 861">021 2069 861
Mahi Wheua (Bone Realignment) 30mins